let us see how we can make our new year different and better than the past years

Now let us see how we can make our new year different and better than the past years. Here we come up with a plan,
which if we follow and stick to, will be beneficial to us in both the worlds.

1. Establish Salaah. Pray five times every day without fail. Remember, the last act of Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu
Anhu was prostration.

2. Reserve some time each day for the recitation of the Holy Qur’an. And it is also advisable to try and read the
translation ‘Kanzul Imaan’ which is available in most languages

3. Whatever occupation you are in, do your job with sincerity and honesty. Keep your dealings free of lies,
deception and keep up with your promises.

4. Do not waste your time. Time is very precious for a Mu’min. If you do have spare time then read Islamic books.

5. Always keep good company. Try to be with the learned and the righteous.

6. Always speak the truth and keep miles away from lies.

7. Always be good to others. Do not hurt anyone with your words or action. Always display the best of character.

8. Do not indulge in ‘haram’ in order to make more money. Remember, your sustenance is pre-destined.

9. Try to help others but do not be dependant on others.

10. Never use any form of intoxicants.

11. Give enough time to your children and take personal responsibility and interest in their guidance and upbringing. Apart from worldly knowledge make sure they are also well versed in Islamic knowledge.

12. Always be well-mannered, especially in front of your children because they will pick up your habits. You
should be their role models and best of friends so that they do not look elsewhere.

13. Respect your parents. In no circumstances should you hurt them with your words or behaviour.

14. Basically, obey Allah and His Beloved Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and follow all the principles of Islam as much as you know.



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