SOORA FATIHA – THE OPENING – its introduction

Allah Subhanahoo Wa Ta’ala (S.W.T.) has bestowed to the mankind, His highest, perfect, final and everlasting revelation. It is the only pure and genuine integrity for the entire humanity, up to the Day of Resurrection, in shape of the Holy Quraan. This is the last revealed Book containing 6666 verses (Aayats), 114 chapters (Suraahs), and about 80,000 words and 40 alphabets. The Holy Quraan is the Last and Final Chapter of Almighty God’s Divine Message, revealed to mankind through Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), Allah’s Blessings and Salutations on him. He conveyed to mankind Allah’s Last Message as His Last Messenger.

Soora Fatiha is the introductory and the first completely revealed, highest value, Makki Soora, containing seven verses.

This Soora is called Al-Fatiha, Saba Mathani (i.e. the seven most repeated verses), Ummul Kitaab (the Mother of the Book), and Alhumd (The Praise).

The word Al-Fatiha itself means the preface, foreword, the opening, the initial step, or the forehand of a written document. It is also known as Al-Kanz (Treasure), Us-Salaat (Muslim Prayer Chapter), and Al-Kifaya (the sufficient).

Allah Almighty calls it Saba Mathani, the most repeated seven verses in verse 87 of Chapter XV of the Holy Quraan.

Soora Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Holy Quraan, is daily repeated for 48 times in five times obligatory Salaat (Muslim Prayer) by each faithful Muslim i.e. memorization, recitation and at least 11 times recitation in compulsory Raka’at as the minimum number. It is the essence of the Holy Quraan being the Mother of the Book. It is supplication, shape for submission prescribed by Allah S.W.T. (Subuhanahoo Wa Ta’ala). It is an indispensable part of the Holy Quraan. It is compulsory and fundamental daily duty by each Muslim, their congregational Jama’at or Muslim by itself contained daily personal recitation. No Muslim prayer can be designated as Masjid or self-contained individual duty without Soora Fatiha, if they repeat Soora Fatiha. Approximately 850 times in a month, they repeat Al-Fatiha with joy of Allah Almighty when one Muslim meets another Muslim, they recite Al-Fatiha for joyful occasions and in adversities including birth and death ceremonies and for gratefulness to Allah Almighty.



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