As makeup for women is permissible and commendable (Mustahab) in light of the Shariah, if the husband expresses a desire, expelling the hair of the face is also permissible. As given in Radd Ul Muhtaar, Kitab Ul Khatr Wal Ibaha, Fasl Fin Nazri Wal Mass.
Tying the hair in a bun is also permissible, but tying a bun in the middle of the head like the hump of a camel is impermissible.
There is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim in which the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم declares such women to be a group of hell who are nude in spite of wearing clothes i.e. they wear revealing clothes, who attract others to themselves or are attracted towards others, their heads are like the hump of a camel. They will not enter Jannah and will not get its fragrance and indeed, the fragrance of Jannah can be heard from such and such a distance. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2128)
Makeup and beautifying oneself is admissible when it is not for the sake of pride, showing off, etc. Women should not use perfume and leave the house and should not intend to break any rule of the Shariah. If the woman, reveals herself to non-Mahram people with the makeup or any of the above-mentioned are found, then it will not remain permissible.
This allowance for makeup is only permissible and allowed and it is not Fardh or Wajib. Being occupied with makeup all the time and wasting time in this is not correct. This is only external beautification. Muslim women should make efforts for the permanent beautification of their inner selves. The Ummahatul Momineen (The mothers of the Ummah), the female Sahabah did not concern themselves with external beauty. They were more concerned about the purification of their hearts, their thoughts and about the beautification of their inner selves and they advised others to do the same. Hadhrat Umar Faruq (May Allah be well pleased with him) said in his sermon:
Translation: Beautify yourselves for the big summons, when you will be presented and nothing of yours that is hidden will remain hidden. (Kanz Ul Ummal, Hadith No. 44203)
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