Benefits & Rewards of Recitation of Surah Al kausar

Surah Kausar

Surah Al-Kausar سورة الكوثر  Meaning (“Abundance”):

Inna aa-thaina kal kausar. Fashal li li-rabbika wanhar. Inna shaniya ka huwal abtar.

Benefits & rewards of Recitation of Surah Al kausar

سورة الكوثر Surah Kausar in Quran:

In this Surah of Holy Quran there are only 3 verses and it is the 108th surah of the Qur’an, and the shortest.

What Allah says in this Surah?

He says, “Indeed, We have granted you, [O Mohammed ﷺ], al-Kausar. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]. Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off”.

The translation of this Surah makes its meaning clear that Allah is the only one we should pray to. He is our best protector against our enemies.

Al Salah - Masjid Navigator

Surah Kausar number is 108 in the Holy Quran. Allah revealed this awards carrying Surah to Holy Prophet  Mohammed ﷺ in Madina. There are many sayings of our Holy Prophet  Mohammed ﷺ describing the importance of this Surah. Our Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ   said,“This is a Fountain at which my Ummah will assemble on the Resurrection Day.” (Muslim)

What is Kausar?

Kausar is a fountain. Allah will give this fountain to our Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ on the day of the judgment. Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ will reach this foundation first of all. Our Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ said, “I shall have arrived at the Fountain before you.” (Al-Bukhari) .

The above hadith make it clear the river Kausar is a place of gathering of the believers of Allah and Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ

Benefits of Surah Kausar:

  • In Surah Kausar, Allah says Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ to pray to him only. Thus, we should trust Allah. In case you have the fear of enemies, recite this shortest Surah of Holy Quran and Allah will protect you. Thus, the benefit of reciting this Surah is to get protection from Allah against enemies.

  • If you are suffering from poverty and do not have anything, recitation of this Surah will open the sources of wealth for you. You would see wealth coming to your from unknown sources. Just pray to Allah and he is the most generous giver. Recite this Surah and get the blessings of Allah.
  • On the day of the judgment, every Muslim will wish to drink the water of fountain Kausar where our Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ will be. If you are a strong believer and recite this Surah, Allah will list you among those who will drink the water of this fountain.From the Hadees Shareef we get to know that One who recite Surah Al kausar, Allah (S.W.T) Will Surely feed him water from “The Canal of Kausar.”
  • Al Salah - Masjid Navigator

  • One who recite Surah Al Kausar Every Friday 100 times, continuously for 11 Friday’s, will Surely pilgrimage Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ in dream.
  • The person who’s children doesn’t remain alive after birth, should recite Surah kausar For 41 days 7 times after Namaz e Fajr ,InSha Allah with the blessing of Allah And Surah Al kausar his generation remain alive.
  • The Person who make recite Surah Kausar daily 7 times Allah will increase his livelihood. And also save his wealth from theft.
  • One who recite Surah Kausar 129 times, he never forget any thing.

    surah AL-KAUSAR



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