- Don’t think too much about your problems in life. They are just test papers given by Allah to see how much you learnt in His subject called “Life”.
- “The key to all goodness in this world is to send salawat upon the Prophet ﷺ.”
- The person who offers Salaat Ul ‘Isha congregationally has as if spent half the night in worship and whoever offers Salaat Ul Fajr also congregationally, that man has as if spent the whole night in worship.(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 656)
- There is a perception as to the rewards for every virtue except patience, for patience is that virtue whose reward is unknown(Hazrath Abu Bakar siddiq raziallahu taala anhu)
- The most clever amongst you is the one who remembers the day of Resurrection and the Judgement.(Hazrath Hasan Basri Rahmatullahi alayh)
- No one does a good deed but Allah will make it show on him.(Hazrath Uthman al-Ghani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)
Don’t think too much about your problems in life