HomeHadithHadith Mustadrak about “Dua” Hadith Mustadrak about “Dua” January 20, 2015Mohammed Rizwan HAZRAT SAYYEDINA NABI E KAREEM Sallallahu alaihi wasallam ne irshaad farmaya: DUA momin ka hatyaar , Deen ka Sutoon aur Zameen wo Aasmaan ka Noor hai. (Mustadrak,Hadith No:1855) Comments comments
The Month of Rajab About the Month of Rajab Rajab is a month with blessings beyond our imagination and a month in which Duas…
The Best Time to Make Dua A Dua Made between the Azaan and the Iqamah…. ♦ Hazrath Anas ibne Malik (Razi Allah Tala Anhu) narrates that Rasool…
Quran kab nazil hui RAMZAN UL MUBARAK KO KALAAM E ILAAHI SE KHAAS MUNASABAT HAI… ————————————————————————————————— Hazrath IBRAHIM alaihissallaam par pehli RAMZAN UL MUBARAK…