- لو تقدر تسعد احد ولو بكلمة..لا تقصر
Never miss an opportunity to put a smile on someone’s face - Eat and drink but do not waste by excess for Allah does not Love the Wasters.”
(Surah Al Araf:31) - Let your tongue never cease to be moist with the
remembrance of Allah.
[Jame Tirmidhi] - فان الذكري تنفع المؤمنين.
“Surely this advice or a sense of surrender shall benefit the believers”.
(Surah Al Zariyat:55) - Allah Says in Quran “REMEMBER ME I WILL REMEMBER YOU” (surah Baqrah|Verse 152)
- The Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said : ” Remember Allah during times of ease and he will remember you during times of difficulty”
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