- Eat and drink but do not waste by excess for Allah does not Love the Wasters.”(Surah Al Araf:31)
- Whoever leaves something for the sake of ALLAH,
ALLAH will replace it with something better… - The best deed of A Great Man is to Forgive and Forget.(Hazrath Ali raziallahu taala anhu)
- Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that: The person who recites Subhanallah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, Allahu Akbar 34 times after every Namaaz will never be at risk. (Sahih Muslim,hadith no:1349)
- Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that: The person who shall recite 6 rakaat Salah after Magrib and does not talk any worldly things during the Salah will get 12 years of Worship reward.(Sunan e Ibne Majah,pg:81)
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Repentance in Islam
The best deed of A Great Man is to Forgive and Forget