The Deliberate Poverty of the Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ

prophet mohammed saw

About Prophet Muhammad saw : 

It is clear from the words of the Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ that the highest (spiritual) stations can be achieved by intentional poverty.  For the just folk, the Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ actually demonstrated that with Prophethood, nothing else in intended except following the command of Allah Most High.

And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds.  Surah Shu’ara (26:109)

Here is a fine demarcation between those who are on the right path and those who seek to fill their own coffers….

It is mentioned in Shifa that once Jibreel (May peace be upon him) came to the Holy Prophet Mohammed ﷺ, conveyed the greetings of the Lord Almighty and asked:  Do you like that these mountains be transformed to gold and remain with You?

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:  O Jibreel!  This world is the residence of those who don’t have anywhere else to stay.  It is the wealth of those who don’t have any other wealth.  It is garnered by those who don’t have any sense.

Jibreel (May peace be upon him) said:  O Mohammed ﷺ!  May Allah Most High keep You steadfast on this.

It is mentioned in the same book that Hadhrat ‘Aisha (May Allah be well pleased with her) says:  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) told me:  Allah Most High transformed the grains of sand and the pebbles of Makkah into gold and offered them to Me.

I entreated:  O Lord!  I don’t desire these.  My heartfelt desire is that I eat one day and stay hungry the next one, so that the day I am hungry I beseech You and ask of You alone and the day I eat, I thank You and praise You.

[Excerpted from Maqaasid Ul Islam, Vol. 5]

Source : Ziaislamic.Com

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