Bismilla Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala SyedilMursaleen Wa Ala Aalihi Wa Ashabihi Ajmaeen.
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It is to be made clear that for the humanbeings, in this world, the greatest bounty of Almighty Allah is belief (Eimaan) and surrender (Islam) because due to it there is in this world prosperity, grace and benefit including welfare. In the hereafter also forgiveness and salvation culminating into happiness and eternal comfort. In other words there is welfare in this world and in the hereafter attached to Belief (Imaan) and Surrender (Islam).
Hence it is compulsory for each matured and balanced man and woman to know the doctrine of Imaan and Islam, get acquainted with the principles and then put them into practice and also to perform the obligatory duties to invite divine pleasure.
It is to be remembered that unless and untill the faith and belief is not correct, prayers (salat), fasting (roza), haj, zakaat, sadqaat (donations) etc., and the total deeds will be a waste because without embellishment of
the faith any deeds or prayers will not be accepted and without deeds and prayers the fruits of the Belief (Eimaan) cannot be reaped.
Because the treasure of Belief (Eimaan) is hidden in the right thinkings. Hence this part is started with the caption of “Belief” (Aqaa’id) and the important points are explained in a very simple and clear language.
Wa Billahit Taufeeq
1 The Almighty Allah is the Creator of the Universe(Except Allah everything (which comprises of sky ,moon, sun, human beings and animals , etc.) collectively called the universe.) He is supreme in His powers and attributes. His name is Allaahu ta’ala.
2 Belief – Eimaan Allah and Allah’s Messenger and Everything(Whether they are orders or news) which has come from Allah (through His messenger) and their affirmation with tongue and heart is called Eimaan.
3 Pillars of Faith (Arkane Eimaan) There are two arkan of the Belief:
(i) Affirmation by heart (ii) Affirmation(though the virtuous deeds donot form part of the belief (Imaan) yet they are essential for perfection and glorification of belief. (Imaan)) by tongue.
4 Believer (Momin) A believer is one who recites by tongue Kalima Tayyaba or attributes of the belief in a concise form. (Eimaan-e-Mujmal) or belief in detail or comprehensive form (Eimaan-e-Mufassal) and affirmation thereof with heart is called a believer (Momin)
5 Kalima Tayyaba is (Laa Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah)
6 Belief in Concise (Eimaan-e-Mujmal) and Belief in Detail (Eimaan-e-Mufassal) The testimony and abridged affirmation of everything which has come from Allah is called Concise Belief. And detailed or comprehensive
testimony and affirmation of everything is called detailed or comprehensive Belief (Imaan-e-Mufassal)
(There is no one except Allah to be worshiped)