HomeHadithKalimah Shahaadah Kalimah Shahaadah December 28, 2017Shah I bear witness that there is no God besides Allah سبحانۃوتعالئ and I bear witness that Hadhrat Muhammad ﷺ is His servant and messenger. Kaalima-Shaadah-virtue Comments comments
Once Moosa (AS) asked Allah Ta’ala Once Moosa (AS) asked Allah Ta’ala: O Allah! You have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you…
Eid Milad Un Nabi ﷺ Mubarak – 1441 Happy Milad Un Nabi 12 – ربيع الأوّل – 1441 May the Blessings of this Milad-Un-Nabi Celebration Bring lots of…